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Mandem Meetup

Breaking Stigmas,Building Brotherhoods.Mandem Meetup is a grassroots charity promoting, correcting and improving the conversation around men’s mental health and wellbeing.We provide an open, inclusive community for all those who identify as a man, integrating a range of social, holistic and more ‘traditional’ forms of clinical support, ranging from psycho-social interventions and recreational activities, to practical advice and guidance, as well as talking therapy and more.

Mandem Meet Up is a non-profit organisation with the ultimate mission to create spaces of understanding, communication, & empowerment. We believe passionately in the severity of men’s mental health globally, and how it affects our people.At Mandem Meet Up, we’re actively building a haven of confidentiality, brothers in distress, and a community of solid souls with relatable, real-life problems to collide and collectively empower one another.We are raising funds to sustain and grow our community to as many men as possible by bringing us closer to the mission of having Mandem Meetup Hubs nationally and potentially even globally.

For more information visit

You can Donate and support Mandem Meetup on the following link